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Addiction with facebook games?

Maple story on Facebook..
First we had Restaurant City, Cafe World, Pet Society and Mafia Wars games you don't hear it outside of Facebook.

Incrediblely those are the games that most facebook users I know plays before. Well I tried those titles i mentioned but Mafia Wars wasn't in my taste.

Anyways, decided to make this post about Facebook games..

Heck I still don't know how people can actually play all those games everyday at the same time.

So anyways, people asked me so how did I end up joining the bandwagon of going to start a Facebook account. The answer is quite cute..I joined for the sake of the games. I got poke so many times to get Facebook account to join Pet Society and Restaurant City. It made me think, is those game THAT good?

The trading system in Restaurant City and Cafe world made it interesting. Pet society get weekly updates on new items for your visual pet and your home.

Facebook games became incredibly popular.. That I normally play minimum of 2-4 hours.

Square-enix made two games on Facebook.

Chocobo's Crystal Tower
where you raise your chocobo and sent it to do a quest in the Tower.

Knight of the Crystal
Mafia Wars like game but the unique part of it, job classes and the boss fight scene made it better than Mafia Wars.

Later on titles like Diner Dash, Maple Story and The Sims joined in.

Right now "The Sim social" is currently the number 1 game in Facebook.
Without fail on my wall. Someone is asking help for certain quest.

I guess the impact on playing games online to interact with other players made Facebook games so addictive. of course Facebook games is free to play. that's why people love it so much.

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