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Featured Gamer 01: Ah Xian Featured Gamer 03: Insan (Ehada.BlickWinkel) EVO2k12 Game lineup ANNOUNCED! Labanparooza 2012

Featured Gamer 02: Ishmael Ty (DJ MACK)

Ishmael Ty holding Technika 2 Torphy
 Ishmael Ty aka DJ Mack in the Technika community. Took home the trophy for this year's Technika 2 Tournament organized by Team Guilty and Timezone Philippines.

I took the time to interview Ishmael and know him from his outstanding crew MAXIMUM. A crew known to have the best DJs in Philippines.

Let's go ahead with the interview with Ish (which I frequently call him that)

Black - Zenith
Red - Ishmael

Hi Ish, Thank you for the time to have this interview with me! Here's my first question~
"How long have you been a active Technika player?"

I started playing Technika when Biondi, Paw and Steph were the DJMax Grandmasters back at the first Technika. So I have been playing for more than 2 years. 

Ah! That's quite long eh!
"Who was the Technika player that inspired you?"

I got inspired when I saw DJ Aeon in SM Mall of Asia and DJ Steph who was playing "Roulette" also at SM Mall of Asia.

With his friends at SM Mall of Asia
(From left) Johari, Dan, Vic, Kun, Steph, Bhok, Biondi, Ish

A rare sight to see Steph playing at SM Mall of Asia. Hehehe~ next question~
"How much do you spend playing Technika?"
500peso every time I visit the arcade. I'll play for 2-3 hrs on regular days but if I want to Perfect Play or All Combo certain songs, I'll play for the whole day just to practice. Specially the time when I was practicing BEE-U-TIFUL HD.  It ended up being a Perfect play! XD

ACK!? one of the hardest song and yet you manage to Perfect play it!!!? *amazed*
Anyways! next ~ "Where do you prefer to play Technika?"

I prefer to play at Technohub and that's the place where I first All Combo THOR HD. Not forgetting my base SM Mall of Asia, Waltermart and Glorietta 4

hahahah! Hello fellow player in Glorietta 4~ moving on~
"What are the other games you play when you're away from Technika?"

I play WMT (Wangan Maximum Tune). I like Cars and drifting!

I am terrible in racing game...Maybe you teach me when we see each other again! Ok! We're almost done! "What is the craziest thing you do when you're playing Technika?"
I move my body depending on the song like SoS (Son of Sun) MX and I keep on moving my butt and body when playing the last part of the chart....WEIRD! hahahahaha!

hahaha I do that sometimes but I scream at the last part of that song. wahahahahaha!
Last question well not really question... "Short Message to Newbie Technika players!"

Nothing is impossible...Follow the beat with your fingers..No chart is hard or impossible to finish when you start practicing with your body, mind and specially your heart...
Another tip...Before playing, try to target a certain score before you do. It helps alot! 
Ish playing during his turn in the competition!

That's a awesome tip. Thanks for the time Ish and congrats again for winning the tournament! 

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